DFIT is the first statewide group self-insurance workers compensation program exclusively for Delaware local governments (municipalities and counties) that are also members of the Delaware League of Local Governments.
Better control of its members' "insurance destiny:"
The DFIT Program is borne from a collaboration of the long-time vision of former DLLG Executive Director -- the late George C. Wright, and Program Administrator Theresa DeSanto. The vision was to create an insurance alternative for the Delaware local governments (that are members of DLLG) for Workers Compensation coverage, where in George’s words, they would have “Control over their insurance destiny.” Workers Compensation had been a significant cost burden due to unstable cycles for decades, for all employers in Delaware.
For more information on the DFIT Workers Compensation Program and/or the Trident Group Property & Casualty Program, and how to apply, please contact:
Theresa DeSanto, DFIT Program Administrator
Director Public Sector, Strategic Insurance Partners
Phone: 856-404-1798