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Founded in 1963, the Delaware League of Local Governments is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization comprised of local government leaders. DLLG’s mission is to strengthen and support Delaware's local governments (towns, cities, and counties) through advocacy and development of effective leadership. League members come together for one common purpose - to improve everyday life for all Delawareans. Through advocacy at the state level, DLLG proactively represents local governments to help sustain highly livable, desirable, and vibrant communities. The League creates and offers our members services and events to:

  • Energetically connect ideas, people, and partners;
  • Actively serve members with training, education, and resources;
  • Serve as a clearinghouse for important governmental and community-oriented information; and
  • Develop a strong, collective voice to advocate for Delaware's local governments.

New members and partners are invited to join the League! Please contact Kevin J. Spence, PhD, Executive Director at


Events Coming Soon!

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